All eduvax's java developpements use a common build process.
See eduvax's java build page (not yet available) for more information. There is explained why gmake and shell scripts are still used as main build process manager.
Tested operationnal with various linux (main developpement host is debian 3.1), and windows using cygwin.
Official source disitibution include the generated Makefile, so build process stands in one commande :
make dist.bin
This produces the final jar binary file (net.eduvax.grant.X.Y.Z.jar)
When Makefile is missing, it can be generated from the package descriptor file using an xslt processorand the dedicated stylesheet :
xsltproc jmakefile.xsl src/package.xml > Makefile
Then the normal building process usign the make command can be achived.
Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Sébastien DEVAUX